Real estate consulting for aspiring real estate investors

Buying a property is new territory for most people. You are not alone. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced advisor at your side who can save you from the many mistakes that sometimes occur in connection with a property purchase. Believe us, there’s nothing we haven’t experienced in recent years.
The last two years have already been full of challenges, but also opportunities, and it is more true than ever: applied knowledge is power! Independent real estate advice can be of great benefit here in order to position yourself in the best possible way and create the right basic conditions for a real estate investment.
Both the
- private real estate purchase for own use (owner-occupied home) as well as
- a property as an investment
are consulting-intensive. But what is the definition of advice: “Supporting someone with professional expertise to come to a result or a decision”?
A good real estate advisor knows what to look out for and how to avoid certain pitfalls. Anyone who is serious about the subject should seek real estate investment advice. After all, what better source of information is there than a property-independent and transparent advisor who has already seen and evaluated many clients, cases and properties? Good preparation is half the battle!
There are many prejudices in the field of real estate consulting, some of which are unfortunately justified. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find reputable advice on buying a property. There are various reasons for this:
- The market has become confusing from the customer’s point of view due to the large number of agents.
- Commissions for brokers are often very high and lack transparency.
- The profession of advisor is not protected and so many people act as advisors who do not necessarily deserve this title.
- The advice usually only relates to the property. There is a lack of all-round support, which also includes financial advice and informs you about the various forms of management (house, rental or condominium management).
- Many advisors specialize in funds, insurance, etc. and only earn extra money by advising on property purchases. They therefore lack expertise and experience in the field of real estate investment consulting. However, both are essential. After all, a property is not “sold off” as quickly as a share.
However, charlatans can be found in almost every industry, so this should not be a reason to bury your head in the sand.
We at Meine-Renditeimmobilie thought to ourselves that there must be a better way and set ourselves the task of developing our very own form of advice for real estate as an investment.

Independent real estate advice
We also develop our own properties, which we design in such a way that they are perfectly tailored to the needs of investors. Our razor-sharp property and location analyses guarantee maximum precision when it comes to the quality of an investment property. After all, the economic efficiency and profitability of the property should also be right. An important key figure for this is the yield of a property. The purchase is made directly from the “manufacturer”, i.e. us, so that no intermediary is involved. It is this transparent and direct cooperation that our customers appreciate.
Other advantages for you:
As an independent real estate consultant, we pay attention to the highest quality and are responsible for the refurbishment/renovation of the property as well as the initial letting itself. This means your investment won’t cause you a lot of work or sleepless nights.Advice on the purchase contract for real estate
The purchase agreement is a central component of the change of ownership of a property. This is drawn up by the notary and initially sent to the buyer and seller as a draft purchase agreement.
Both parties then review the draft and make any necessary adjustments, provided there is agreement. Although the notary does take on a certain advisory role when buying a property, a property purchase contract contains numerous clauses whose economic significance is often not clear. Individual advice on the content of the contract is therefore essential.Of course, a lawyer could provide advice on the purchase contract for a property. However, you would incur considerable costs here, as lawyers charge high hourly rates.
At Meine-Renditeimmobilie, we have been experts in the acquisition of real estate as a capital investment for years and have specialist knowledge and experience. Our real estate investment advice is rewarded by our clients with numerous 5-star ratings.
If we advise you on the purchase of a property, we do not charge a fee for advice on the purchase contract for the property. From hundreds of cases in the past, we know exactly what is important when concluding a contract and are there to help and advise you – free of charge. For example, we can be present at the notary appointment on request and are also at your side during the hot phase of the real estate purchase. In our opinion, real estate investment advice does not end with the handshake at the time of purchase. We remain at your side.
Real estate financing advisor
When it comes to financing, real estate investors often have a wide variety of questions:
- How much equity investment makes sense and how much should I have financed?
- Should I contribute the ancillary purchase costs from my equity?
- What fixed interest rate makes sense for my strategy?
- Which strategy should I choose?
- Are there any subsidies available?
- What are the benefits of a home loan and savings contract?
- Which bank offers me the best conditions?
As you can see: As an investor, you can quickly become overwhelmed, as most questions can only be answered by experienced financial advisors.

Similar to real estate advice, the independence of the advisor is also very important when it comes to financing advice.
It is obvious why this should never be a bank employee: a bank that offers real estate financing will always instruct its advisor to sell its own conditions. It is better to compare several hundred banks in order to really find the best conditions. However, there is no guarantee that you will receive fair advice.
With our 360° service, we combine both: the best conditions and independent advice. The optional financing component of our offer includes a comparison of more than 500 banks as well as an assessment of which banks perform well in real estate advice and are best suited to your case. Our direct contacts with banks are extremely helpful. Benefit from our key account conditions and enjoy fast and hassle-free processing. We will also work with you to create the optimal concept that offers you the most benefits.
Tax advice for real estate
If you are buying your first property, you need tax advice. It doesn’t matter whether you are a small investor or a large investor or whether you hold an asset-managing GmbH.
We cannot offer you tax advice ourselves, but we have a large network of experts and lawyers who can create the best tax structure for you. We will be happy to put you in touch with these contacts without obligation.
Real estate consultants Munich
Do you live in the Bavarian capital? Then make an appointment at our Munich office! And if not, perhaps a virtual meeting will bring you one step closer to your own investment property. Whether face to face or in a call, together we will find out your individual added value and how to bring the right real estate project to life for you.