Meine-Immoentwickler acquires 40 apartments in Munich-West for sustainable revitalization
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Your safe path
to financial
with real estate

Real estate investing in its simplest form

This is what you can expect from us: your personal advisor with a functioning system to passively build wealth through real estate. You will be accompanied from the property selection through financing to administration and property support afterwards. Without any paperwork, with proven, digital step-by-step processes.

Secure a free consultation now
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WHAT WE DO Complex things made simple!

Our experienced team is at your side – from finding the right property to setting up the financing strategy through to the entire implementation and property support after the purchase.

Investing in a property is a big decision and raises many questions. That’s why we offer a comprehensive service that will accompany you from start to finish and beyond.

Our mission is to help you achieve your personal real estate investment goals. Let us make your dream of a successful investment come true together.

Get a free consultation now!
Invest in real estate the easy way Investing doesn't have to be complicated
investment volume
Rental income
from our customers p.a.
Vacancy rate 0.6%

YIELD PROPERTY AS AN INVESTMENT The advantages at a glance

Invest money safely

Safe investment

Thanks to the material value, the security of value is maintained even in times of crisis!
Material assets you can touch

Tangible investments

Compared to other forms of investment, real estate is something tangible!
Return from rental income

Increasing rental income

Due to legal regulations or pre-contractually agreed rent increases.
Compensate for inflation

Inflation protection

Your investment in real estate is protected against inflation because real estate is a tangible asset and its value increases with inflation.
Save taxes with real estate

Tax benefits

Take advantage of tax depreciation options.
Generate passive income

Passive income

By repaying the loan, you indirectly build wealth from day one.
Make money with other people's money

Debt leverage

Accelerate your wealth creation by using borrowed capital.

OUR ADVICE Real estate investment advice

Meine-Renditeimmobilie GmbH offers you independent advice on investing in real estate.

Of course, you can also look for and buy a property as an investment on your own, but there are important reasons why you should seek individual and detailed advice.

The return on real estate as an investment: Finding and getting the right property on your own and in the generally accessible real estate market is not easy. The coveted offers are sold out in no time.

Yield apartment in Munich: Many highly sought-after locations such as Munich, Stuttgart or Frankfurt are often offered on the market at overpriced prices. For many people, buying a property in a particularly good location is far from reality.

Buying a property as an investment: But where? It has been shown again and again how time-consuming the search for a suitable property is: investors sometimes search for more than a year before finally finding a mediocre property.

WHY US? 7 reasons to work with us

Safe investment in real estate



Reliability is a given for us and is an essential part of the success of our company and the satisfaction of our customers. We are and will remain your permanent contact and will work for you.

Individual investment advice



With us you won’t get an off-the-shelf product! You will receive a concept that is individually adapted to your situation and your personal needs – your vision is our claim.

Specialist in real estate as an investment



Draw your personal benefit from our many years of experience. Our team has specialized in capital investments and real estate development since 2013. We have been putting this wealth of experience into practice in our own company since 2017. There is nothing we haven’t experienced before. We have already paid the tuition fee.

Complete service for investment properties

Everything from a single source

Everything from a single source

We serve every area related to your own investment property. We have the right contact person in our team for every matter, who is a proven expert in his field.

Personal support for your investment property

Personal support

Personal support

We are your contact in all matters. Before you buy your investment property and beyond, your personal advisor is there to help you with advice and support! Starting with the selection of the property, through the appropriate financing strategy, to the administration and property support afterwards.

Investing in real estate made easy

Complex made simple

Complex made simple

A successful real estate investment is a complex matter. We have made it our mission to make real estate understandable, tangible and implementable as an investment using proven and comprehensible step-by-step processes. And this is free of effort and expense for our customers!

Invest better with a network

Extensive cooperation network

Extensive cooperation network

Who hasn’t heard that no suitable tradesman is available? About banks that don’t take their customers’ concerns seriously or about endless waiting times until the case is processed. You feel left alone and don’t really know what to do now.

The solution is a strong network. Benefit from our Germany-wide network in all areas that affect your investment property. Starting with our excellent contacts in the area of ​​offmarket real estate, through our reliable teams of craftsmen, to numerous and, above all, personal connections to banks. You enjoy our major customer conditions and experience particularly quick and easy implementation.

360 DEGREE SERVICE What sets My Investment Property apart?

Of course, you can purchase a property yourself as an investment, you just have to think about everything that needs to be taken into account…

  • A complex property search and the correct assessment of whether the property is really suitable as an investment
  • Perseverance when it comes to financing: Going to numerous banks and subsequent negotiations are usually unavoidable.
  • The management of the property in all matters, from the defective seal to the new floor and beyond.
  • 24/7 support for tenants: The landlord is the contact person in every case. Also with issues such as stuck roller shutters.
Buying an investment property without MRI

Our 360 degree service: What you get from us!

  • Properties in economically strong locations and with very good building materials – selected through our precise property and location analysis
  • Optimal financing conditions through close cooperation with banks. Fast and uncomplicated processing at major customer conditions.
  • Save yourself time: If you wish, we can take care of everything from viewings to bank and notary appointments.
  • All-encompassing property support: Sit back! All post-purchase processes, i.e. tenant and administrative management, are our responsibility!
Buy investment property with MRI

PROCESS In 5 steps to your own investment property

  1. Initial consultation

    Use the free, non-binding initial consultation to analyze your personal situation with one of our experts. Regardless of the outcome, you will gain valuable insider knowledge about real estate investing.

    Step 1
  2. Step 2

    The RIGHT property

    We help you make the right decisions and make it our job to find the right property for you.

  3. Financing concept

    We will provide you with the optimal financing, tailored to your individual needs.

    Step 3
  4. Step 4


    If desired, we can arrange viewings and bank appointments and accompany you to the notary.

  5. Generate passive income

    Focus on the really important things in life while we take care of everything that concerns your new property (renovation, tenant and administrative matters). At the same time, you passively increase your assets.

    Step 5

FAQ Answers to your questions

General questions

Where are the Meine-Renditeimmobilie apartments located?

The apartments are located in economically strong locations and university cities such as Kiel, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Munich and Hanover.

How high is the rental yield of the apartments on offer?

Depending on the property and location, the rental yield is between 4.5% and 6%.

How much equity do I have to contribute?

As a rule, the additional purchase costs must be contributed as equity. These consist of the notary and land registry costs (1.5%-2% of the purchase volume) as well as the real estate transfer tax (between 3.5% and 6.5% of the purchase volume depending on the federal state). You can invest sensibly in real estate from around €20,000 in equity. If your credit rating is very good, you have the option of co-financing the additional purchase costs.

Can My Investment Property also carry out my financing?

As IHK-certified specialists for financing and real estate, we will support you from the very first moment. Through our collaboration with more than 500 banks, we can find the optimal financing concept for you with the best market conditions.

Questions about the process

How is the building structure of the apartment checked?

Two of our experts independently check the building structure of the apartments and thus protect you.

Can I get advice without obligation?

Our team of consultants will be happy to provide you with a free, non-binding consultation. The concept of My Investment Property will be introduced to you in principle and your personal options will then be examined – regardless of whether your goal is retirement planning, inheritance preparation or the future move-in to a property that has initially been rented out.

Are all components of the 360° concept (property consulting, financing, property management, rental management) mandatory?

No, property consulting only represents the core of our service, which can be enriched by other offers. Thanks to our financing expertise, we can achieve the cheapest interest rate for you by comparing 500 banks. If desired, we can also select the property and rental management on site.

How much effort does it take me to purchase an investment property?

The 360° concept of Meine-Renditeimmobilie provides extensive support from our team of advisors, so that all you have to do is submit the requested documents and attend the notary appointment (we will be happy to accompany you and be available if you have any questions).

Can the consultation also take place at my home?

This is basically possible if you wish. We advise throughout Germany.

How long does it usually take from the initial consultation to the conclusion of all contractual matters?

Please allow approximately 6 weeks.

Costs and conditions

How much does the service from Meine-Renditeimmobilie cost me?

The service is free of charge for you. Our partner companies compensate us monetarily. We only want you to actively recommend us if you are satisfied with our work.


Will I also be advised about potential funding from the state?

Yes, we take into account all funding options and tax advantages for you, such as KfW funding.

THE THREE FOUNDERS Our family business

The founders of Meine-Renditeimmobilie

Let’s perfect it. With these words our vision of our own company for real estate as an investment started.

We three brothers, Patrick, Fabian and Christoph, founded our very own version of a real estate investment company in 2017 with passion and commitment. Each of us has gained numerous experiences in the area of investment advice. In many financing cases and property analyses, we noticed that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the implementation.

Our 360-degree service is a concept that enables our customers to make a successful real estate investment in the simplest way. As a family-run company, we offer a dynamic team, trusting exchanges with each other and close, transparent cooperation with our customers.

We don’t think in terms of quarterly reports, but can plan for the long term and enjoy being able to work for the success of our customers and not having to live up to the expectations of investors or superiors. Ultimately, what matters most to us is the satisfaction of our customers. This is how we measure the quality of our work.

OUR TEAM Get to know our team

TESTIMONIALS What our clients say about us

5.0Stars ·53Ratings
David vEisenhart
David vEisenhart

Der Kontakt mit Herrn Motschiedler (Verkäufer) als auch mit Verwaltungspersonal und Geschäftsleitung war immer professionell, seriös und sehr bodenständig.

Vom Ersttermin bis hin zur Abwicklung hat alles super funktioniert. Vor allem sind alle beteiligten Personen auch nach dem...Notartermin genauso gut erreichbar.

Meine Immobilie ist saniert, vermietet, verwaltet und die Mieten bereits auf meinem Konto.

Ich freue mich auf weitere Projekte von euch!

Vielen Dank.
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Kai A
Kai A

From purchasing to the finalizing the rental business case, we were in good hands of Mr. Bohnhoff and his highly competent colleagues. We are very satisfied and would totally recommend the one-stop investment experience they offered. Thank you for the good partnership and looking forward to successful investmentread more

Stephan N.
Stephan N.

Tolle Zusammenarbeit, immer Professionell und gut gelaunt, gut erreichbar - jederzeit wieder!

Mehmed Muhić
Mehmed Muhić

MRI zeichnet aus:
- Innovatives Immobilienkonzept
- 360 grad Ansatz (Kauf, Abwicklung, Umbau, Vermietung, Bewirtschaftung)
- Professionelles Auftreten
- Ehrliche und zuverlässige Kommunikation
- Partnerschaftliche Herangehensweise
- und noch vieles mehr….../>
Ich schätze insbesondere, dass sowohl Einsteiger als auch mehrfache Immobilienbesitzer Willkommen sind. Bei der richtigen Wahl einer Immobilie ist man bei den MRI Kollegen genau richtig. Danke!
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Nastasja Erceg
Nastasja Erceg

Ein großes Dankeschön an Marcel Bohnhoff des Meine-Renditeimmobile Teams für die tatkräftige Unterstützung beim Kauf meiner ersten Finanzanlage. Herr Bohnhoff hat mich wirklich von A-Z sehr gut beraten und eine reibungslose Abwickung ermöglicht. Meine Fragen hat er unmittelbar beantwortet und auch...bei meinen Zweifelen, da es sich doch um meine erste Immobilie handelt, hat er mich sehr gut fachlich und kompetent beraten. Mir gefällt das Konzept von Meine-Renditeimmobilie gut, vorallem weil man sich wirklich um fast nichts selber kümmern muss; und man während des Prozesses nicht alleine gelassen wird. Es wäre für mich zeitlich aufgrund meines Jobs niemals möglich gewesen eine Immobilie zu kaufen, hätte ich mich um alles selber kümmern müssen. Die Abwicklung ist zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit von statten gegangen. Vielen Dank dafür und ich freue mich schon sehr auf eine weitere Immobile als eine Investition in meine Zukunft. Ich kann Herr Bohnhoff und das Unternehmen wirklich more

Henrick Niemeyer
Henrick Niemeyer

Wir haben mit dem Team von Meine-Renditeimmobilie den Einstieg in das Thema Kapitalanlagen getätigt und wurden bestens beraten. Hier kann man zu 100% darauf Vertrauen, dass besprochenes eingehalten und im besten Sinne des Kunden gehandelt wird. Beratung erfolgt regelmäßig und ausführlich. Man...bekommt proaktives Feedback und muss nicht hinterherlaufen. Ist sicher nicht die letzte Immobilie gewesen!

Danke und besondere Grüße an Philip!
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Susanne Messner
Susanne Messner

Sehr kompetent und professionell. Der gesamte Ablauf war reibungslos und sehr angenehm. Herr Weiler war immer gut erreichbar und freundlich. Sein Service war hervorragend.
Ich kann die Firma nur bestens weiterempfehlen.

Nico Gürtler
Nico Gürtler

Super kompetente Partner an der Seite, für Einsteiger sowie Fortgeschrittene Immobilienkäufer. Hier bekommt man das Rund Um Sorglos Paket.

Beate Ilmberger
Beate Ilmberger

Ich habe schon einige Immobilien-Verkäufe mit diesem jungen agilen Team abgewickelt - einfach super.
Ein sehr zuverlässiger seriöser und kompetenter Geschäftspartner, der schnelle Entscheidungen trifft und die komplette Abwicklung sehr professionell angeht.
Gerne immer wieder.

Swen-Peter Krause
Swen-Peter Krause

Das gesamte Team von KRAUSE Immobilien bedankt sich recht herzlich bei Meine-Rediteimmobilie GmbH für die professionelle Zusammenarbeit und Abwicklung der Projekte. Wir freuen uns sehr auf die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit!
Das gesamte Team von KRAUSE Immobilien wünscht weiterhin viel Erfolg

Macius Sumera
Macius Sumera

Empfehlung wert.
Top Service von A bis Z und mehr ‼️

Christopher Becker
Christopher Becker

Sehr gute Betreuung vor, während und nach dem Kauf einer Renditeimmobilie. Jegliche Anfragen wurde jederzeit schnell beantwortet. Kennen sich in ihrem Metier sehr gut aus.
Absolut empfehlenswert!!

nader hayali
nader hayali

Marius Wobst
Marius Wobst

Durch eine besondere Weiterempfehlung bin ich zu gekommen.
Vielen lieben Dank an die Winkler Brüder (und Team) für die super, klare und transparente Zusammenarbeit.
Jede meiner Fragen wurden ausführlich und verständlich beantwortet.
Jeder der eine...Renditeimmobilie sucht, damit anfangen möchte oder einfach Experten zur Seite braucht ist hier genau richtig!

Ich freue mich auf das nächste Objekt 😉

Lg Marius
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Andriy Bezborodko
Andriy Bezborodko

Hervorragender Service! Auch die Qualität der Angebotenen Objekte ist Spitzenklasse. Ich kann die Beratung von Meine-Renditeommobilie ausnahmslos JEDEM empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach Renditestarken Immobilien in A Lagen ist 🙂

Maximilian Quos
Maximilian Quos

Absolute Experten von der ersten Beratung bis zum Kauf. Tolle Objekte und immer die passenden Lösungen. Absolute Empfehlung

Philipp Munz
Philipp Munz

Ich habe vor 2 Jahren meine erste Renditeimmobilie bei "" gekauft und war mit dem Service, der Beratung und der Abwicklung sehr zufrieden. Auch im Nachgang kann ich mich jederzeit an meine Ansprechpartner wenden, sodass ich Meine-Renditeimmobilie mit bestem Gewissen...weiterempfehlen kann.
Spoiler: Wir unterhalten uns gerade über die nächste Immobilie und die Betreuung ist nachwievor hervorragend.
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Klaus-Peter Fett
Klaus-Peter Fett

Die beste Adresse für eine ganzheitliche Beratung zu Immobilien zur Geldanlage. Sehr spannende Konzepte mit Immobilien nicht nur in München.

Anna-Lena Nu
Anna-Lena Nu

Ich habe mich nach der Beratung und mit der professionellen Unterstützung von Meine-Renditeimmobilie getraut meine erste Immobilie zu kaufen. Sehr kompetente Beratung und ich habe mich immer gut betreut gefühlt. Das Team ist super freundlich und sehr auf meine Bedürfnisse eingegangen. Vielen alle und besonders Patrick und more

Daniel Eschenberg
Daniel Eschenberg

Mirco Nitz
Mirco Nitz

Ich habe mit Hilfe von Meine-Renditeimmobilie Anfang letzten Jahres meine erste Immobilie erworben und kann nur gutes berichten.
Auch nach dem Kauf wird man nicht alleine gelassen.
Das Team, insbesondere Fabian, stehen einem hierbei stets zur Seite, antworten zügig und sind auch bei...Problemen direkt an meiner Seite und helfen diese zügig aus dem Weg zu schaffen.

Sehr empfehlenswert!
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Marco Ezzy
Marco Ezzy

Sehr freundliche und kompetente Berater...5 Sterne! Ich werde mich bei dem nächsten Kauf nochmal bei denen melden!

Mike Gores
Mike Gores

Jessica Kuller
Jessica Kuller

Sehr kompetentes Junges und zugleich Dynamisches Team. Das Team hat unsere Immobilie innerhalb weniger Wochen veräussert.
Alle beteiligten waren Zufrieden und Glücklich. Wir wurden auch noch lange nach dem Notartermin bestens betreut . Wir würden den Weg jederzeit wieder gehen. Danke an das...gesamte Team und vor allem an Herrn Winkler👍 Bitte weiter soread more

Sam Rayani
Sam Rayani

Ich habe meine erste Immobilie als Kapitalanlage durch die Unterstützung von Herrn Winkler & Herrn Bohnhoff erwerben können. Das Wohlbefinden der Käufer sowie der Verkäufer steht bei dieser Firma im Fokus. Man wird durch das gesamte Prozedere stets begleitet, professionell beraten sowie liebevoll...betreut. Ich habe mich sehr sicher gefühlt und konnte mein Wissen über Immobilien immens ausbreiten. So geht Service und Dienstleistung im Jahre 2023 ! Es war definitiv nicht meine letzte Immobilie.
Vielen Dank an das gesamte M-RI Team und für euer hohes Maß an Professionalität. 5 Sterne sind noch zu wenig ! 🙏
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Manuel Müller
Manuel Müller

Sehr freundliches und professionelles Team. Fühlte mich zu jeder Zeit gut beraten. Klare Empfehlung. Danke!

Mario Stern
Mario Stern

Das Team von meine-renditeimmobilie ist sehr kompetent und ich habe eine herausragende Beratung zum Thema Anlageimmobilie bekommen. Klare Empfehlung!

Philipp Hartmann
Philipp Hartmann

Ich habe vor ein paar Monaten ein Objekt gemeinsam mit Meine-Renditeimmobilie gekauft und dabei sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Von Anfang an wurde ich sehr gut beraten, die Ansprechpartner waren gut erreichbar, symphytisch und haben schnell Verständnis für meine Situation und meine Ziele gezeigt....Von der Auswahl des Objekts, der Besichtigung, dem Kauf, bis hin zu laufenden Betreuung nach der Abwicklung, bin ich vom Meine-Renditeimmobilie-Team konstant professionell unterstützt worden.

Ich freue mich schon meine nächste Immobilie gemeinsam zu erwerben und empfehle das Team gern weiter!
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Lucas Ellmer
Lucas Ellmer

Allen Anlegern, die im aktuell schweren Umfeld dennoch ein gutes Renditeobjekt finden wollen, kann ich 🏠 nur nachhaltig empfehlen!
Unser Objekt, dass wir vor ca. 2 Jahren gekauft haben, hat sich als echter Volltreffer herausgestellt. Vielen Dank an das...professionelle und motivierte Team!read more

Manuel Treffer
Manuel Treffer

Beratung, Service und Organisation sind auf ausgezeichnetem Niveau, das gesamte Team arbeitet sehr professionell. Ich kann Meine Renditeimmobilie nur wärmstens empfehlen!

Siegfried Egger
Siegfried Egger

Vielen Dank für die tolle Unterstützung bei meiner Immobiliensuche in Tirol. Unkompliziert, unbürokratisch und sympathisch! „Danke die Herren“

Martin Ben
Martin Ben

Hier wird alles perfekt organisiert. Es ist wirklich ein Rundumsorglospaket. Fabian Winkler organisiert alles mit seinem Team und kümmert sich nach dem Kauf und der Übergabe auch noch, wenn Fragen auftauchen. Super Objekt, toller Zins, dann haben wir gleich eine zweite Renditeimmobilie gekauft.

Peter Isemann
Peter Isemann

Wirklich ausgezeichnete Betreuung auf Augenhöhe. Das Rundumangebot funktioniert super, ehrliche Angebote die nicht auf Preissteigerung und Spekulation basieren. Unter den vielen Anbietern die ähnliche Angebote haben sind Patrick und Team mit Abstand die vertrauenswürdigsten

Lukas G.
Lukas G.

Vom ersten Kontakt bis hin zur Nachbetreuung rund um die erste eigene Immobilie hat alles super funktioniert. Unser Berater Jochen stand mit uns dabei immer in regem Austausch. Stets zuverlässig und kompetent wie man es sich wünscht. Die Immobilie an sich hat uns ebenso überzeugt. Zahlen und...Bausubstanz stimmen. Jetzt muss nur noch die Zeit vergehen, sodass sich alles fast wie von selbst abbezahlt 🙂read more

Christian Hake
Christian Hake

Absolute Empfehlung.

Ingrid Richter
Ingrid Richter

Wer sein Geld optimal in Renditeimmobilien anlegen möchte, ist hier am richtigen Platz. Perfekte Beratung und Service.

Benny Grießer
Benny Grießer

Ich habe meine erste Immobilie als Kapitalanlage hier gekauft. War sehr zufrieden mit der Begleitung und dem Service. Dominik hat sich viel Zeit genommen, war immer erreichbar und hat mir jede Frage beantwortet. Perfekte Unterstützung zum Start in Immobilieninvestments. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!

Ozlem Llewellyn
Ozlem Llewellyn

Nach meinen ersten, teilweise schlechten Erfahrungen als Anleger im Immobilienbereich in den letzten Jahren bin ich schließlich mit meinem dritten Anlageobjekt bei Meine-Renditeimmobilie gelandet.
Dort habe ich einerseits Zugang zu überdurchschnittlich guten Renditeobjekten direkt vom...Entwickler (ohne Vermittler, die sich zwischenschalten). Andererseits fühle ich mich sehr gut aufgehoben und habe einen persönlichen Berater, der jederzeit für mich erreichbar ist.
Da ich aus Nürnberg komme, aber standortunabhängig investiere, ist es für mich sehr komfortabel, dass die Notartermine für mich vor Ort in Nürnberg organisiert werden. Ich freue mich auf den weiteren, gemeinsamen Weg!
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Sascha Plapp (Nur für mich)
Sascha Plapp (Nur für mich)

Ich habe übers Internet gefunden. Nachdem sich meine Freundin und ich gegen ein Eigenheim entschieden hatten, wollten wir stattdessen in eine Renditeimmobilie investieren. Obwohl wir genügend Eigenkapital zur Verfügung hatten, war bei unserer ersten Immobilie als...Kapitalanlage ganz klar die Zielsetzung, möglichst wenig davon einzusetzen, da es gut in Aktien investiert ist. Dieses Kriterium hat das Team von Meine-Renditeimmobilie perfekt erfüllt und sämtliche unserer Erwartungen übertroffen. Dank Fremdkapitalhebel und top Zinssatz für das Darlehen läuft die Immobilie quasi "nebenbei" und wir haben weiterhin einen guten finanziellen Spielraum für weitere more


Ein guter Freund hat mir empfohlen. Da das Thema Geldanlage bei mir ohnehin längst überfällig war und mich ein Immobilien-Invest schon seit längerem gereizt hat, habe ich ein Beratungsgespräch mit Google Meet vereinbart.
Die Atmosphäre war sehr angenehm und wir Gespräch zuerst über meine persönlichen Rahmenbedingungen gesprochen. Im zweiten Termin wurden mir dann konkrete Möglichkeiten für ein Investment vorgestellt. Wo bei anderen “Beratern” dann schnell Druck gemacht wird, wurde mir hier Zeit gegeben, bis ich mich mit der passenden Wohnung angefreundet hatte. Am Ende ist es eine Renditeimmobilie in München geworden. Von Meine-Renditeimmobilie kam nicht nur das Objekt, sondern auch die Finanzierung mit deutlich niedrigeren Zinsen, als sie mir an anderer Stelle online angeboten wurden.
Seit dem Kauf gab es keine Probleme und die Mieten fließen Monat für Monat. Bei nächster Gelegenheit möchte ich mein Portfolio ausbauen.
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Marvin Plott
Marvin Plott

Dominik und die anderen Mitarbeiter von haben von Anfang an einen sehr professionellen Eindruck gemacht. Ich wurde im Büro herzlichst empfangen und mir wurden alle meine Fragen rund um den Immobilienerwerb direkt beantwortet. Besonders gefallen hat mir die Individualitä der Beratung, bei dem Dominik und das Führungsteam ein ganz spezielles Immobilien Portfolio für mich erstellt haben, was meiner Preisklasse und meiner Situation entsprach. Hier ist die starke Vernetzung und simple Kommunikation zwischen und den finanzierenden Banken besonders hervorzuheben, was den Immobilienerwerb deutlich beschleunigt und vereinfacht hat. Ich würde jederzeit wieder über meine erste Immobilie more

Anno Nymus
Anno Nymus

Hallo Liebe Leser,

Den ersten Schritt, die Kontakt Aufnahme war natürlich positiv. Ein paar Standard Fragen um das eigene Marketing und die Machbarkeit einer Finanzierung zu prüfen. Jetzt habe ich eine Selbstauskunft erhalten. Soweit so gut.
Ich finde zur Webseite sollten auch...ein paar reale Referenzen gezeigt werden von bestehenden Objekten und den Mieterpools.
Ich werde die weiteren Schritte versuchen hier zu dokumentieren.
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Robert Berlinger
Robert Berlinger

Sehr sehr professionell arbeitende Jungs. Der Ablauf verlief reibungslos. Und war auch meine Anforderung manchmal diffizil, haben sie diese hervorragend gelöst. Zu Anfang war ich relativ unerfahren, wenn es um Immobilien ging und mir wurde das Modell evident und illustrativ erklärt. Für mich ein...absolutes Muss sich bei dieser Firma beraten zu lassen, wenn es um ein Investment im Immobilienbereich geht. Somit bewerte ich „Meinerenditeimmoblie“ als superb.

Beste Grüße

Robert B.
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Itzik Yehezkeli
Itzik Yehezkeli

Wer ein kompetenter und zuverlässiger Service zur Immobilienrendite sucht, wäre das sicher die richtige Adresse dazu! Der Service war genial. Die komeptente Kollegen haben uns richtig herrvorangend beraten, vor allem für einfache Menschen wie wir, die nicht so viel Ahnung vom Thema hatten. Es ist...einfach überall eine Firma zu finden, die mit diesen Themen beschäftigt ist, aber Kompetent und ehrlich zu sein ist halt, was wir immer gesucht haben - und das kann nicht jede Firma in München! Das zählt für uns viel, besonders wenn man wenig Ahnung mit dem Thema. 'Well done' und weiter so!!read more

Menno Alerborn
Menno Alerborn

Für meine Altersvorsorge wollte ich auch schon in jungen Jahren etwas tun. Auf LinkedIn habe ich einen Artikel von gefunden und mich daraufhin beraten lassen. Obwohl ich nur knapp über 2.200 Euro verdiene, habe ich jetzt eine Renditeimmobilie mit der ich mich pudelwohl...fühle. 5 Sterne für: die persönliche Beratung, schnelle Umsetzung und das 360 Grad Service Konzept. Danke!read more

Gabriele Gaertner
Gabriele Gaertner

Ich besitze bereits vier eigentumswohnungen und will meinen bestand weiter ausbauen. Das team um herrn weiler hat für mich ein exzellentes portfolio geplant, bei dem ich trotz fremdfinanzierung weiterhin einen positiven cashflow habe. Auch die umsetzung verläuft soweit reibungslos. Die finanzierung...der neuen renditeimmobilien konnte herr weiler ebenfalls für mich abwickeln – zu einem sensationell günstigen zinssatz (meine hausbank lag 0,7% über den konditionen, die ich über Meine-Renditeimmobilie erhalten habe.)read more

David Luft
David Luft

Über Instagram bin ich vor einigen Wochen auf die Firma meinerenditeimmobilie gestoßen. Nachdem ich einen Rückruftermin vereinbart hatte, wurde mir am Telefon das Konzept und die Vorgehensweise erklärt. Auch wurden mir meine Bedenken hinsichtlich meines geringen Eigenkapitals genommen (ich wollte...nur wenige Tausend Euro von meinem Ersparten als Anzahlung verwenden und den Rest über einen Bankkredit stemmen).
Nach zwei weiteren Terminen im Münchner Büro habe ich mich für 2 Renditeimmobilien mit super Rendite entschieden und bin im Rahmen meines geplanten Eigenkapitals geblieben.
Auch der Notartermin verlief reibungslos. Tolles, kompetentes Beraterteam – ich freue mich auf weitere Eigentumswohnungen in der Zukunft!
read more

Aron Kunzmann
Aron Kunzmann

Toller Kundenservice!Herr Weiler und seine Kollegen sind immer für einen da,beantworten alle Fragen und Wünsche professionell und schnellstmöglich,nehmen sich sehr viel Zeit für den jeweiligen Kunden und sind sehr freundlich!
Nur zu empfehlen!

Stephan Ullrich
Stephan Ullrich

Super freundliches und sympathisches Team, das einem jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht und fast jeglichen Aufwand zur Immobilienerwerbung abnimmt. Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen sich dieses tolle Konzept und die sich daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten vorstellen zu lassen und freue mich schon...auf die nächste Immobilie zusammen mit more


Mir wurde empfohlen und ich hatte daraufhin ein erstes Informationsgespräch. Haben uns auf Anhieb super verstanden. Das junge, dynamische Team kümmert sich um alles, sodass der Kunde kaum Aufwand hat. Die Chancen die sich daraus ergeben sind nahezu unbegrenzt. Ich werde...Euch auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Macht weiter so!read more

Christoph Weiler

Growing up in Switzerland, Austria and Italy, Christoph gained many impressions at a young age. While he was starting his business studies, Christoph quickly realized that he preferred working in practice rather than just dry theory. He then started his own business in 2014 and gained his first experience in finance.

After he founded Meine-Renditeimmobilie in 2017 together with his brothers Patrick and Fabian and their mutual friend Ferdinand Guggenberger, Christoph has been living his dream as managing partner of the company since 2017 with the main focus on real estate acquisition and development and enriches with a lot of ambition and our company with his level-headed and clear manner.

Christoph’s great passion is sport. This can also be seen on vacation when he spends three hours preparing for his next marathon in the 30-degree midday heat on the Tuscan prairie. Christoph has now climbed almost every mountain peak and explores the world with his dog Basti. Even in winter he prefers to be out and about in the mountains – be it uphill on his splitboard or on the slopes. In Munich you can also often meet him with his loved ones at a football game!

Anna Kern

Anna’s talent for practical work was already evident during Anna’s school career at the Waldorf School. Always going her own way, Anna implemented the goals and projects she was passionate about. She ran her own gym for several years and was always keen to develop and develop her diverse skills.

Since the founding of Meine-Renditeimmobilie (2017), Anna has been our jack-of-all-trades and has our backs in all matters. She has the talent to find a suitable solution for every situation and thereby manages to get every issue out of the way.

All of her know-how in the areas of organization and structure as well as her sense of aesthetics benefit us and our customers. As the main person responsible for interior and design, it is Anna who breathes life into our objects and puts the finishing touches before they are handed over to our customers.

Anna is a family person through and through and she thoroughly enjoys spending time with her loved ones, be it over a fine dinner or in a cozy atmosphere with Anna’s own small family, consisting of her and Patrick’s son Levi. Not to be forgotten are Anna’s loyal animal companions; the two Ridgebacks Lila and Nacho and their horse Don Arogno.

Just as Anna enjoys a ride or a walk in the beautiful Bavarian nature, she also needs the Mediterranean climate. Dolce Vita, for example in the form of truffle pasta and a glass of old red wine, particularly delights her heart.

Patrick Weiler

With specific goals in mind and always keen to achieve them independently, Patrick dedicated himself to self-employment in investment consulting after three training courses in the field of finance in 2013. In 2017, together with his two brothers Christoph and Fabian and their mutual friend Ferdinand Guggenberger, he founded – the digital pioneer in the area of real estate as an investment.

In 2019, Meine-Immoentwickler GmbH was founded, specializing in the development of existing properties throughout Germany.

Initially working as a managing partner in the area of real estate acquisition and portfolio building with the main focus on supporting individual customers, Patrick has given the overall management a face since 2022 and is particularly dedicated to the strategy and development of the companies.

Born and raised in beautiful Tuscany, Patrick gained early experience in the areas of enjoyment of life, cuisine and la dolce vita.

So it’s not surprising that he feels most comfortable with his loved ones.

Patrick’s pride and joy is his small family, consisting of wife Anna and son Levi.

Patrick is known for his outstanding grilling skills. When he’s not pampering his friends and family with delicacies and a fine drink, he’s always out and about doing sports. Whether it’s football, tennis or golf – Patrick is always on the move.

Another of Patrick’s passions is politics, to which he dedicates his heart and soul.

Giuliana Ehm

While she was beginning her studies in Italian and English, Giuliana already felt the urge to express her creative creativity during one or two lectures. Over time, she dedicated herself more and more to practical activities in the areas of content management and copywriting. This enabled Giuliana to sharpen her senses and was always keen to work independently and at the same time expand her range of experience.

Giuliana’s passion for linguistics would ultimately lead her to us. Since 2021, Giuliana has been our creative soul and is responsible for content creation and implementation, especially in the area of marketing, and is also dedicated to other creative projects.

With her wealth of ideas and her communicative and empathetic nature, Giuliana has become an integral part of our company.

Her Italian roots often take Giuliana to her second home, because she is happiest with her family and friends over a culinary evening in good company or in peace and quiet while watching the sunset by the sea and a glass of wine. Her daughter Giada and her little dog Halloumi are always at Giuliana’s side.

If Giuliana doesn’t enjoy the contemplative atmosphere described above and have deep conversations, dancing and singing have been her great passion for more than 10 years.

Fabian Winkler

After successfully completing his training in the financial sector, Fabian gained numerous practical experiences during his time in the large corporation, which further sharpened his eye for entrepreneurial thinking.

Together with his brothers Christoph and Patrick and their mutual friend Ferdinand Guggenberger, he founded in 2017

Meine-Immoentwickler GmbH followed two years later.

Since then, Fabian’s years of sales experience and his communicative and busy nature have qualified him to lead the sales department with a lot of hard work as managing partner.

Fabian spent 18 years of his life in the heart of Tuscany.

He enjoys spending time with his loved ones and family, whether in everyday life or while traveling. With his talent for languages, Fabian makes an excellent travel companion throughout most of Europe.

Fabian’s great passion is music.

He enjoys expressing his vocal volume both in the office and once a week in the karaoke bar.

When Fabian isn’t belting out pop hits or ballads, he can be found on the tennis, golf or soccer field or running around Munich’s beautiful parks.

Michael Walther

After successfully training as an electrician, Michael also completed his technical college entrance qualification. 15 months of basic military service followed before he trained to become a state-certified electrical engineer specializing in data technology. Michael was committed to IT from the start.

He first gained experience in a small company in his home country, then as an IT employee at an automotive supplier. In 2000, Michael switched to the IT consulting business and worked in various positions there.

Michael has been working as a successful entrepreneur for almost 20 years now.

It all started with his first company, “EnTeCo Consult GmbH”, with a focus on IBM software. The partnership with Google followed in 2008 and the name was changed to Wabion GmbH. Further success was not long in coming: rapid and strong growth ensued! In the following years, Michael founded two additional headquarters in both Austria and Switzerland and in 2015 Wabion was named Google’s global partner of the year in the search sector!

In 2021, the group of companies gained a workforce of 70 employees and generated sales in the double-digit million range. In the same year, Michael decided to sell the Wabion Group to Accenture and to completely withdraw from management in 2023.

Michael has been a partner and key investor at Meine-Renditeimmobilie/ Meine-Immoentwickler since 2019 and has invested in several of his own (yield) properties in the following years. We are extremely grateful to be able to benefit from Michael’s broad wealth of experience and to have him as a reliable and conscientious advisor to the management. He is also responsible for aligning our two companies with digital first.

Now based in Munich, Michael is a Swabian born in the Black Forest. His second home is undoubtedly beautiful Tuscany. There he spends a large part of the year in his own house, caring for his olive trees with heart and soul and enjoying the peace and quiet together with his wife Gabriele. However, things rarely get boring for the two of them, because as a patchwork family of eight, there is always something going on. Michael is a true nature lover. He spends a lot of time in the mountains and forests. On foot, by bike or even for a spin on the Ducati.

Michael’s element is water – there are no temperatures that could get in the way of his discipline when it comes to jumping into the cold water.

At the same time, Michael is also a gourmet: culinary delights and good wine are simply part of the quality of life.

Gabriele Walther
Gabriele Walther BACKOFFICE

After graduating from high school, Gabriele worked in a neurological clinic in Munich with a focus on social issues before completing a 3-year training course as a pediatric nurse. She has always felt the inclination to work close to people. Gabriele dedicated herself to working in intensive care units for many years and looked after seriously ill children as part of her freelance work.

During this formative time, Gabriele’s talent in the areas of organization and communication was perfected. It is precisely these essential core areas that now benefit our company. Gabriele’s sunny and caring nature, coupled with her organizational talent, skill and calmness, make her the good soul of Meine-Renditeimmobilie.

Gabriele is a family woman at heart. So it’s not surprising that the lion mom feels most comfortable with her loved ones. Gabriele enjoys stays in Tuscany with her husband Micha, family and friends. It’s not just the Mediterranean climate and sea air that attracts the genuine Munich child back to the south, but also the culinary enjoyment in a family atmosphere!

Marcel Bohnhoff

After Marcel successfully completed his school career with his Abitur in 2017, he completed a dual sports economics degree from 2017 to 2021, where he was able to gain experience in the areas of marketing, sales, management and customer-oriented support to achieve customer goals.

At the same time, Marcel has been working in the financing and rental area since December 2019 and was promoted to team leader in the rental department in 2021. At the same time, he discovered his passion for real estate sales, which he has been practicing with us since November 2022. Marcel is also our contact person for the financing department and after-sales management. In June last year, Marcel completed his qualification as a specialist in real estate loan brokerage (IHK, 34i). Marcel enriches our company not only with his wealth of experience and his objective approach, but also with his warm, communicative and open nature.

Growing up near Dachau, Marcel was fond of the sport from an early age. He started playing football at the age of 4. Over the course of his life he added skiing and fitness.

Marcel is an open person who is always keen to maintain and expand his network. It is not for nothing that he is known for organizing legendary parties or free sports sessions on the Isar.

Marcel really enjoys staying at the latter, especially in the summer months. When he’s not caught up in basketball fever and eagerly watching the NBA, he also follows his inner discipline by taking ice baths.

Erol Likos

After freelance work and traineeship at a local radio station and soon after starting his journalism studies at the LMU Munich, Erol did an internship at Bayerischer Rundfunk, which led to freelance work and later a job as an editor.

After six years at Bayerischer Rundfunk, Erol initially set up his own business with value-added telephone services. After a few years he was only occupied with the Internet. For many of his own projects, but also for third parties, he not only took care of the technical implementation, but also the marketing.

After many years of self-employment, Erol set course for calmer waters and started working as an online marketing manager for a Munich real estate company. In 2023 he finally moved to Meine-Renditeimmobilie as Marketing Manager. Here Erol can contribute his expertise in all its breadth and depth: IT, web design, content and marketing.

Erol lives with family and pets in Munich. His passion is baking and cycling. In the summer he goes to his mother on the Turkish Black Sea coast, where Erol helps with the hazelnut harvest.

Luca Gis

After studying political science at the LMU Munich, Luca worked in politics for three years. During this time he realized that he wanted to expand his work in this industry to include a position in the real estate industry. In addition to his work as a political consultant, Luca works for Meine-Immoentwickler and supports our sales team by preparing documents, creating exposés for our customers and creating room models and graphics.

In his private life, Luca is busy with volunteer work and his family. Of course, two weekly sessions of exercise and regular walks with his dogs in the south of Munich are not to be missed. As a reward for a good week, he often visits Japanese, Greek or Italian restaurants.

Luca feels very connected to Munich, his hometown, and was so convinced of our concept that he applied for a position with us. He thinks the idea of giving more people, especially young people, a place to live in Munich and thus the beautiful Bavarian lifestyle is brilliant.

Lukas Schulze

After completing his training as a marketing communications clerk six years ago, Lukas took the plunge into the real estate industry. During this time he was able to gain a lot of valuable experience in sales, which helped him grow both personally and professionally. Lukas lives in Düsseldorf, but feels at home in both the Rhineland and the Ruhr area.

Aside from his professional activities, he likes to spend his free time on the tennis court or supporting his favorite team in the stadium from the standing-room stands. In summer he enjoys relaxing with friends and family on the Rhine or spending time on the city beaches of Düsseldorf. And although he was born a flatlander, Lukas feels at home in the Alps and on the ski slopes.

Denis Görtz

Cologne is now his home, but he grew up in Germany, the USA and France. There, Denis learned self-confidence and adaptability at an early age. As a trained industrial engineer, he has extensive practical experience in the investment sector.

Through his own successful investments in real estate and a strong network of partners, he has developed into an expert for capital investment in real estate through his lateral entry into the real estate industry. As a passionate family man, he enjoys trips to Tegernsee with his wife and their two children in his free time.

Bruno Schmidt

Empathetic likeable person with the success gene!

5 years ago Bruno moved from beautiful Baden-Baden to the even more beautiful Munich.

An empathetic personality known for his honesty and directness, Bruno has embarked on a new journey, driven by the search for new challenges and the desire to constantly reinvent himself. His 9 years of experience in the corporate world, coupled with building a valuable network and achieving personal dreams, have shaped and prepared him for what is to come.

Bruno’s hobbies include meeting stars in everyday life, connecting people with each other and creating 5-course meals for his loved ones in his own kitchen. Time doesn’t play a role in this case, but rather added value, aesthetics, individualism and creativity.

When he’s not lifting weights in the gym, his two other great passions are powder snowboarding and wakeboarding on the sparkling lakes.

If a dog is around him and you are no longer the center of attention, you shouldn’t hold it against him because dogs are his life.

Philip Motschiedler
Philip Motschiedler CONSULTANT MUNICH

Philip grew up in Nuremberg and celebrated success as a footballer at 1.FC Nuremberg, Carl Zeiss Jena and 1860 Munich as a teenager.

Through his training as an office clerk, Philip discovered the appeal of self-employment and started working in sales at the age of 21. In sales contact and communication training, he learned how to build and maintain a strong network.

In addition to his self-employment, Philip developed a passion for real estate, and by purchasing his first investments he learned about the advantages and challenges. This is one of the reasons why he became aware of the Meine-Renditeimmobilie team at the age of 29!

In his free time, Philip plays several sports. He enjoys the sun with a good coffee at Lake Ammersee and meets friends when he is not traveling with his girlfriend.

For Philip the glass is always half full. It’s not for nothing that his circle of friends considers him a firework of good mood on two legs.

Veronika Roid

After successfully completing her sports degree, Veronika gained valuable and extensive experience in the sports event sector. Subsequently, she took a bold step into property management, where over the years she worked in both condominium and rental management, continuously expanding her knowledge.

It is precisely this diverse expertise that Veronika has brought to Meine-Renditeimmobilie since May 2024. Veronika is not only characterized by her extensive knowledge, but also by her sunny and cheerful demeanor, her structured and conscientious way of working, and her fair and thoughtful approach.

Veronika spends her free time actively and in a variety of ways. To clear her mind, she turns to nature—especially her time in the mountains allows her to breathe deeply. At home, she finds relaxation at the piano, while letting her creativity flow in the kitchen.

Whether twisted, filled, or brightly colored pasta—Veronika’s kitchen is always a source of new culinary creations. Her passion for art and culture often leads her to exhibitions, theater, musicals, or museums. Veronika enjoys rounding off these outings with a culinary highlight, preferably sushi.

Veronika Wunder

Olga’s academic background is remarkably diverse. She has completed three degrees, two of which were pursued abroad: Information Management and Languages. Additionally, she earned a degree at Freie Universität Berlin in Linguistics, International Communication, and Cooperation.

For over seven years, Olga ran her own startup, offering tailored language training as well as translation and interpretation services. Olga also brings many years of experience in the pharmaceutical and automotive industries, having worked in marketing and HR.

Since October 2024, Olga has been part of the team at Meine-Renditeimmobilie, significantly strengthening the sales sector with her extensive expertise. She is responsible for the entire sales preparation, including the analysis and processing of acquisition documents as well as the creation of exposés for all properties.

In her private life, Olga is a true family person, living happily with her husband, two children, and a dog. Her passions include foreign languages, travel, and music. Additionally, Olga enjoys reading in her free time.